Tech alterations list

Collected by Barry

Note: this is by permission of the FZ Association on whose homepage this was published first.  About the parts which below are numbered II, III and IV Barry says, "I compiled the following list from other second hand sources. I can't guarantee the accuracy of this list. Also, I may have gotten some of the 'old' and 'new' versions backwards. On the other hand, I don't know of a better list."

The text was edited and the individual sections been given a new order, so now it is partitioned into following parts:

I.       About "Golden Age of Tech" Drills
II.     Changes in Books
III.   Changes in Tapes
IV.    Changes in Bulletins and PLs

I. About „Golden Age of Tech“ Drills

Policy that forbids "THE GOLDEN AGE OF TECH"

HCO PL of 16 April '65, Issue 2



The only allowed Practical drills on any Scientology Course including PE are:

   1. Modified Comm Course for PE.

   2. Original Comm Course TRs 0-4.

   3. Original Upper Indoc TRs.

   4. E-Meter Drills contained in Book of E-Meter Drills.

   5. Dissemination Drills when I write and release them.

NO other practical drills of any kind will be permitted.

Other Practical Drills are abolished. Reasons: They consume time uselessly, suppress actual processes and mess up data and cases. I did not develop or authorize these drills and have now seen that they teach alter-is of easy processes. They are not needed.

They make poor auditors. I have just reviewed this matter thoroughly and have traced several training failures to these Wild cat Drills. Further, I traced several failed cases on course to them.

Somewhere along the line somebody went mad inventing "drills" and "TRs". If this is permitted to continue, we will no longer turn out good auditors. The standard drills as listed above have proven sufficient for years...

[End of policy]

II. Alterations in different books

Alterations of books in General

Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health has also been re-written by CSI [Church of Scientology International], along with 913 other titles listed in the Library of Congress records. CST [Church of Spiritual Technology] is the owner of the copyrights for all these re-writes.

In all of these re-written books - LRH is NOT the author. CSI is the author.

In order to make it appear to the public that LRH is the author, LRH’s name is made part of the copyrighted title, to deceive the public into thinking LRH wrote it:


The above is the copyrighted TITLE of the book in Library of Congress records.

Notice that the book cover does not say BY L. Ron Hubbard.

In fact, none of the above re-writes are authored by LRH.

The issues are all "based on the works of LRH". The author is CSI.

In 1988 the Life Improvement Courses are released by CSI, making the bottom of the Bridge a minefield of alterations - all "Based On The Works of LRH."

Alteration of Logic 4:

Logic 4 in the LRH book Advanced Procedures and Axioms:

Logic 4 - A datum is a facsimile of states of being, states of not being, actions or inactions, conclusions, or suppositions in the physical or any other universe.

(This is also in the PDC lecture dated 1952.)

New version:

Logic 4 - A datum is a symbol of matter, energy, space or time, or any combination thereof, in any universe, or the matter, energy, space or time itself, or any combination thereof, in any universe.

Alteration of Scientology Axiom 3:

Axiom 3 on page 148 in the LRH book Phoenix Lectures:

Space, Energy, Objects, Form and Time are the result of considerations made and/or agreed upon or not by the static, and are perceived solely because the static considers that it can perceive them.

New Version:

Axiom 3 on page 73 in the 1988 new CSI Book Scientology 0-8:

Space, Energy, Objects, Form and Time are the result of considerations made and/or agreed upon by the static, and are perceived solely because the static considers that it can perceive them.

Tech degrade on "Dianetics Today"

The LRH book Dianetics Today is no longer being printed and sold.

Alteration of LRH book Introduction to Scientology Ethics:

1985 LRH version:

"No person under sentence or awaiting a Committee of Evidence may petition the Office of LRH."

1998 L. Ron Hubbard Library new version (page 369):

"No person under sentence or awaiting a Committee of Evidence may validly petition."


The alterations to this book are many and not limited to the above example. This includes new definitions in the Glossary which do not match Tech Dictionary definitions, such as the phrase Tone Scale.

Alteration of the LRH book History of Man:

Comparison of the 1980 version to the 1988 new version:

In the book are several points where the words "Scientology 8-8008" were changed to "Technique 80" or to "Technique 88" (page 11, 23, 87 of the 1988 issue)

The last 2 Pages about Scn 8-8008 are totally missing!

On page 130 is written:

"TECHNIQUE 88 is an E-meter technique. It can be run without an E-meter but this permits all manner of dodging and evading. And there are usually six or ten entirely different banks in any preclear beside his own lots of places to dodge into."

But the next sentence is missing: But SCIENTOLOGY 8-8008 solves all this for you.


V1: Excerpts from 1965 edition of Scientology: A New Slant on Life

Author: L. Ron Hubbard

V2: Excerpts from 1997 edition of Scientology: A New Slant on Life

Author: Church of Scientology International, Employer for hire

V1: Actually a little child derives all of his "how" of life from the grace he puts upon life.

V2:    Actually, a little child derives all of his pleasure in life from the grace he puts upon life.

V1: They're looking for something, but the odd part of it is, the only time they ever find something is when they put it there first. Now, this doesn't sound very plausible, but it's quite true.

V2:    They're looking for something, but the odd part of it is, the only time they ever find something is when they put it there first. Now, this doesn't seem very creditable, but it's quite true.

V1: And here you have somebody who is happy, who is cheerful, who is strong, who finds that most things are pleasurable; and what do we discover in this person? We find out that he is making life, and here is actually a single difference: are you making life or is life making you?

V2:    And here you have somebody who is happy, who is cheerful, who is strong, who finds that there is something worth doing in life, and what do we discover in this person? We find out that he is making life, and there is actually a single difference: Are you making life, or is life making you?

V1: Of course, you will have difficulty if this child of yours has already been trained, controlled, ordered about, denied his own possessions. In mid-flight, you change your tactics. You try to give him his freedom. He's so suspicious of you he will have a terrible time trying to adjust. The transition period will be difficult. But, at the end of it, you'll have a well ordered, sociable child, thoughtful of you and, very important to you, a child who loves you.

V2:    Of course, you will have difficulty if this child of yours has already been trained, controlled, ordered about, denied his own possessions. In mid-flight, you change your tactics. You try to give him his freedom. He's so suspicious of you, he will have a terrible time trying to adjust. The transition period will be terrible. But at the end of it, you'll have a well-ordered, well-trained, social child, thoughtful of you and, very important to you, a child who loves you.

[more changes of that book see below]

Comment:.....Not only are there subtle contextual changes in the book, there are eight (8) chapters that were in the original edition which have been completely expunged from the current edition. But there are 12 new chapters that were not in the original book. Could some or all of these be the "some text" that is referred to in the Library of Congress abstract?


.....Despite these changes, there is no mention anywhere on the outside packaging, or in any of the advertising, that would alert a potential buyer of the book.

.....And it may be far bigger than just this one book.

....."New Slant on Life" is just one amongst at least 913 titles in Library of Congress records with the author listed as "Church of Scientology International, employer for hire."

The "new matter" for many of those works includes writing, editing, and compilation, strongly suggesting that they each have been changed in some way from the original works. You may be surprised at some of the titles on that list (including the venerable "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health"), so here are a few selected samples from the Library of Congress records.

In Creation of Human Ability by L Ron Hubbard copyrighted 1954, p 3:


In L Ron Hubbard Scientology 0-8 copyrighted 1988 L Ron Hubbard Library (which is DBA for Church of Spiritual Technology) p 83:

"Axiom 3: Space, energy, objects, form and time are the result of considerations made and/or agreed upon by the static and are perceived solely because the static considers that it can perceive them."

First change is of course the switching from Capitalization to italics.

The Axioms were capitalized to stress that they are VERY important senior data. Putting them in italics alters their importance.

And last, and most importantly, an entire full concept has been dropped out.


as compared to: "and/or agreed upon by the static" RTC/CST version.

Introduction to Scientology Ethics

In the Petition Section of the 98 "Ethics" book "Introduction to Scientology Ethics, there is a new policy of 6 May 1965 (no date or title reference is given).  These 4 words are omitted...

1) "the office of LRH."


"No person under sentence or awaiting a Committee of Evidence may validly petition THE OFFICE OF LRH." (emphasis added to the missing words in the 98 ethics book, where it became:)

"No person under sentence or awaiting a Committee of Evidence may validly petition."

But that's not what the 1985 Ethics book "by L. Ron Hubbard" says or what the green on white policy says in the Basic Staff Volume.

2) The last 1985 "by L. Ron Hubbard" version DOCUMENTED the source of the "Introduction to Scientology Ethics" data in the back in a section called "bibliography."  It says there at the top of the page:


The following materials by L. Ron Hubbard were used in the compilation of this work. They are listed in the order of their occurrence:"

It goes on to list the Policy references.

Where is this documentation in the 1998 version? It's not there. Neither are the exact policies referenced in the 1993 LRH Library version ... even though there is something CALLED a bibliography but it is only a reference to all the Scientology books available, but not any referencing to where the data in the book SPECIFICALLY came from.

You see it's too hard to check for accuracy of LRH data if sources are OMITTED.

3) OMITTED "Table of CONDITIONS" It says table of conditions, if you are scanning this quickly, not table of contents. There is something called a table of conditions in the old book.

Some more changes in „A New Slant on Life“

1997 version of NSOL is totally MISSING the following nine chapters from the original text of NSOL (Copyright 1965, 1972) ;

   1. The Reason Why

   2. The Conditions of Existence

   3. Myths of the Mind

   4. The Man Who Succeeds

   5. On Death of the Consciousness

   6. Accent on Ability

   7. Freedom vs Entrapment

   8. The Human Mind

   9. Communication

The 1972 edition says on the title page that "This edition contains several corrections, made under the direction of author to the earlier version; it also adds 'Myths of the Mind', replacing an extract from Science of Survival."

The 1988, 1997 new version OMITS the very chapter "Myths of the Mind" that apparently Ron had ordered according to the 1972 edition on its title page. For some reason, the alter-ised version offers no editor explanation as to why all the previous nine chapters are now entirely missing. It's left as a total mystery. This causes major ARC breaks with those who find out it's different than Ron's original text. It has with me.

Some other changes

   1. universe is to him no longer a problem, he

   2. universe is, to him rather a pawn; he

   1. the science of Scientology

   2. the religious philosophy of Scientology

Chapter 2 "The True Story of Scientology"

Paragraph 4

   1. The politician, the reporter, the psychiatrist with his electric shock machine, the drug manufacturer, the militarist and arms manufacturer, the police and the undertaker, to name the leaders of the list, fatten only upon "the dangerous environment.

   2. The politician, the reporter, the medico, the drug manufacturer, the militarist and arms manufacturer, the police and the undertaker, to name the leaders of the list, fatten only upon "the dangerous environment.

[Note: "the medico" in the altered version replace "the psychiatrist with his electric shock machine,"

[NOTE: In the altered version, the conclusion of the answer to the problem of uncertainty is totally MISSING. What the original "by L. Ron Hubbard" version says at the tail end of this chapter is …

"Such a state can be remedied. One merely causes the individual to observe in terms of the three universes."

(This key datum above is MISSING from the new version.)]

Chapter 8, "The Conditions of Existence" MISSING

Missing Data. Again, I can't compare this chapter to the altered version because in the altered version, this great chapter on the three conditions that comprise life (BE, DO, HAVE) has mysteriously disappeared. It's no longer in the book. Instead, "The Dynamics of Existence" is Chapter Eight of the altered version which is not even found in the "by L. Ron Hubbard" version. Perhaps it's just coincidental that the chapters SOUND similar.

Chapter 9, "Myths of the Mind"

Missing Data. Here again, I can't compare this chapter to the altered version because in the altered version, this great chapter on the curse of past pretence "knowledge" is totally gone from the new version even though it was Ron's wish and he directed to ADD this important chapter. (It mentions this in the beginning of Ron's real version.)

Para 15

   1. The transition period will be difficult.

   2. The transition period will be terrible.

   1. well-ordered, sociable child,

   2. well-ordered, well-trained, [added word] social [changed word] child,

[NOTE: Please realize the differences in meanings between sociable and social. They are NOT the same.]

From a letter by a concerned Scientologist

(I went through his specific list, but haven't included it in this document.)

"I've documented EIGHTY-SEVEN alter-ises in NSOL. "

Some of the major repetitive changes include:

   1. Psychiatrists are no longer the leading Merchants of Chaos. Medicos took their place.

   2. Scientology is not a science. The word science is changed to subject.

   3. Capitalization is removed, thus altered importance, in words such as Man, meaning mankind, several other themes in changes.

It's titled "L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought" by L. Ron Hubbard LIBRARY, Copyright 1988, 1990, 1997 in comparison to LRH's original text titled "Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought" by L. Ron Hubbard, Copyright 1956, 1972, 1973.

List of Alter-Ises:

I will now go on to show EXACTLY, chapter by chapter, what has been alter-ised. # 1 shows the ORIGINAL text BY Ron himself, and #2 shows the new "L. Ron Hubbard Library" version.

1) Original "by L. Ron Hubbard" Text

2) Altered "L. Ron Hubbard Library" version

1) "Scientology is that branch of psychology which treats of (embraces) human ability. It is an extension of DIANETICS which is in itself an extension of old-time faculty-psychology of 400 years ago. "

2) "Scientology is an applied religious philosophy." "Scientology is further defined as the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life." "Any comparison between Scientology and the  subject known as Psychology is nonsense." (text ADDED in new version, It is NOT in the original FOT by Ron)

1) None of the text in #2 is in the "by LRH's" text of FOT.

2) Scientology is a route, a way, rather than a dissertation or an assertive body of knowledge. Through its drills and studies one may find the truth for oneself. It is the only think that can show you who you really are. The technology is therefore no expounded as something to believe but something to do. The end result of Scientology studies and drills is a renewed awareness of self as a spiritual and immortal being. Only those who believe, as do psychiatrists and psychologists, that man is a soulless animal or who wish for their own reasons to keep man unhappy and oppressed are in any conflict with Scientology.

1) It is employed as well by persons in business

2) Scientology is employed as well by business

[NOTE: There are dozens and dozens of words missing in brackets ( ) .. that in the original book clarified the meaning of the word. Also, Capitalizations have been changed to italics.]

1) The world headquarters for Scientology is the Hubbard College of Scientology, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England. In addition, there are major Scientology organizations on practically every continent on earth.

2) There are Scientology organizations located throughout the world. [It no longer says where world headquarters is.]

Same Paragraph

Literally HUNDREDS of places have OMITTED capitalization where I'm sure Ron INTENDED. Outpoint, altered importance.

Chapter 4, The Eight Dynamics

Chapter 6, The Reason Why

1) There is freedom amongst barriers.

2) There is freedom among barriers.

1) This, then, is the broad picture of life, and these elements are used in its understanding, in bringing life into focus and in making it less confusing.

2) This, then, is the broad picture of life, and in bringing life into focus and making it less confusing, these elements are used in its understanding.

[alter-is is written out of sequence.]

1) father [Only once does LRH capitalize father when he uses it to emphasize in "Father's universe"]

2) Father [is capitalized EIGHT additional times. In the Websters Dictionary, the formalized capitalization of the term is only used when addressing a Christian priest. It is also only capitalized when used as another term for God. Therefore, potential confusion could result from somebody reading this newly version of FOT .especially a Christian.]

1) since the only one who is present with the preclear is the Auditor

2) since the only one who is present with the preclear is the auditor,

(It's apparent that Ron capitalized "Auditor" in respect to the most valuable beings on the planet. Certainly "Auditor" deserves capitalized over "Father." Not capitalizing auditor above like Ron did makes less of them.)

Chapter 11, Scientology Processing

The Code of a Scientologist is a major alter-is from Ron's original FOT book and missing vital points. What Ron wrote then is what Ron wrote. PERIOD. Any alter-ising his words is a crime against Scientologists and the world and creates major distrust when found out.

Chapter 12, Exact Processes

The Game Conditions and No-Game Conditions are not listed in the single column format creating potential confusion as to the order they are on the scale.

Mother and Father is strangely capitalized many times. A few paragraphs later, father is mysteriously no longer capitalized.

III. Alterations in tapes

LRH original PDC tape 20 -

Here is excerpt from older un-edited version of PDC, (copyright L.RON HUBBARD)

"Therefore, we really do have the remedy before the assault weapon is produced. Did you ever read poor old George Orwell's 1984? Yes,yes, that's wonderful. That would be--------could be the palest imagined shadow of what a world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology with no remedy in existence."

Altered version of PDC tape 20:

"Therefore, we really do have the remedy before the assault weapon is produced."

The rest of the segment as it appears above was SEAMLESSLY deleted.

Here's another one:

Correct version:

"It's a very simple remedy. And that's-just make sure that the remedy is passed along. That's all.Don't horde it, don't hold it; and if you ever do use any Black Dianetics, use it on the guy who pulled Scientology out of sight and made it so it wasn't available. Because he's the boy who would be electing himself "The New Order." And we don't need any more new orders. All those orders, as far as I am concerned, have been filled."

New "improved" version:

"It's a very simple remedy. And that's-just make sure that the remedy is passed along. That's all. Don't hoard it and don't hold it."

The rest is SEAMLESSLY deleted.

More examples of alterations to LRH tapes:

Over 400 words have been seamlessly deleted from the LRH tape Studying, Introduction.

Over 600 words have been deleted from the LRH tape Establishment Officer Tape # 1, ESTO’s Instant Hat.

Alteration of LRH tape lecture Study - Evaluation of Information:

1982 LRH version:

"But of course, all GPMs are composed of words. They're actually not composed of English words; they're composed of significances which are connected to masses. These masses are very capable of pushing somebody's head off.

GPM words are the lions, the high voltage, the various other professional danger points with which you live in Scientology - the words, the words of the GPMs, and that sort of thing.

And when you start fooling around with GPMs, you know very well you can knock your head off; you know very well that this is not something to lightly fool with; you know very well what they can do to somebody. You see somebody around on crutches gimping around, he's got arthritis - arthitis, exclamation point, you see, and so on. What's the matter with him? Well, he's just all wound up in a GPM someplace; that's really all that is wrong with him. Even if it's an engram, why, it's held in place with a GPM."

1987 new version:

Deleted - all the above has been deleted.

Note - The deletions and alterations to this tape are not limited to the above example.

Alteration of LRH SHSBC tape of 22 Jun 1961 Running CCHs and of LRH SHSBC tape of 20 Feb 1962 What Is A Withhold:

over 1000 words deleted from each tape

Further changes in tapes

In the Hubbard College of Administration, LRH tapes are being used on at least one course which have been edited such that, e.g., where LRH said "p.c." in the original lecture, he now says the word "person."

RUNNING CCHs (Level 1 tape), A lecture given on 22 June 1961

SHSBC-18 renumbered 20, of 22 Jun 61, Running CCHs

[rerecorded by St. Hill]

[75 min long]

> >>>>>>>>>>>> ENTIRE FIRST SECTION WAS CUT >>>>>>>>>

Perhaps somebody can clear up why there are 3 missing tape lectures by Ron in the revised "L. Ron Hubbard Library" version of the Student Hat and "The Study Tapes".

The following tapes are MISSING from the original Student and "The Study Tapes"




There used to be a total of 12 Tapes in the "by L. Ron Hubbard" version but now there are only 9 Tapes in the "By L. Ron Hubbard Library" version.

It's interesting to note that the front covers of the plastic tape binder and transcript book say .... "The Study Tapes ..... By L. Ron Hubbard" (in the original with 12 tapes)


"The Study Tapes .... L. Ron Hubbard" (in the L. Ron Hubbard Library version with 9 tapes)

It's missing the "by" next to LRH.

IV. Alterations to HCOBs and HCO PLs

Alteration of HCOB 1 July 1985 CS Series 73 RA:

Here is the end of the 12 page LRH original HCOB C/S Series 73R:

"Due to the tremendous number of technical advances which have been made in the past decade, and the nature of these advances, maintaining the No-Interference Area rules to ensure that pcs move rapidly up the Bridge becomes the responsibility of every org, every mission, every unit and every individual Scientologist on this planet.

It is not only a responsibility.

It is a trust."

New altered version HCOB 2 August 1990 CS Series 73RB:

DELETED - the above ending is DELETED - along with 7 other pages of the original.

Fabrication of HCOB 18 June 1990 C/S Series 124:

This HCOB says it is a compilation - but when you look up the LRH references they supposedly compiled it from - you realize its not a compilation at all - someone wrote the entire HCOB themselves.

Alteration of the Auditors’ Code:

Here is the LRH issue of HCOPL 14 October 1968R The Auditor’s Code, point 25:

"I promise to cooperate fully with the legal organizations of Dianetics and Scientology as developed by L. Ron Hubbard in safeguarding the ethical use and practice of the subject according to the basics of Standard Tech."

The 1988 L. Ron Hubbard Library altered version in Scientology 0-8:

"I promise to cooperate fully with the authorized organizations of Dianetics and Scientology in safeguarding the ethical use and practice of those subjects."

Alteration in HCO PL 10 September 1982

Here is the original LRH PL 10 September 1982:

"This is called rip off. It is the exchange condition of robbers, tax men, governments and other criminal elements."

Here is the CSI new Life Improvement Course "Dynamics of Money" page 45:

"This is called rip off. It is the exchange condition of robbers, most tax men, many governments and criminal elements."

(this one is interesting because in the Secret Deal between RTC and the IRS, David Miscavige is named "tax compliance officer." I am sure of this because the document is on the net in full.)

Barry, 2001

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